
Spring is Here!

Spring Time Health Hazards to Avoid as You Get Outside: After our longer-than-usual winter and snowy start to spring, I am sure you are eager to get outside with your pets. With the warmer days, bright sunlight, and heavy spring rains, we will have an emergence of some spring-time health hazards that you will wantRead More

Return from Maternity Leave

As many of you know, I have been noticeably absent from the hospital for the last 5 weeks after the birth of my son Daniel (Danny) on Saturday, January 27, 2018. Danny joins his big sister Anna as well as our two dogs Finn & Gil in our busy family of 6. Danny was bornRead More

Biting Cold doesn’t Deter Biting Ticks

It’s Cold Outside, but the Ticks are Still Active! In January 2013, while living in snowy upstate New York and working as an ER veterinarian, I received a panicked phone call from a friend who had found a ‘tumor’ on her dog’s ear. On examination, the tumor turned out to be an engorged deer tickRead More

Start 2018 with a Healthy & Clean Mouth and Fresh Kisses from your pet!

Lexington Animal Hospital is celebrating National Dental Health Month a month early with 15% discounts on Canine and Feline Dental Cleanings! Dental health is just as important for pets as it is for humans.  Unlike us humans, most dogs and cats do not brush and floss their teeth, or use mouth wash daily. Moreover, mostRead More

Lexington Animal Hospital’s Feline Vaccine Campaign – All Legs Matter!

Vaccines are important to protect the health of your cat against diseases that can cause severe upper respiratory infections, lethal rabies viral infections, as well as cancer-causing leukemia viruses. Every cat faces different infection risks, depending on their age, health status, lifestyle, and environment. Kittens, with their developing immune systems, are particularly susceptible to viruses.Read More